Email Address

Phone Number

(+234) 803 4072 830

Our Location

Ajah Lekki Lagos

Outreach Programs

About Our Outreach Program

At Sought After Women and Children Foundation, we recognize the importance of giving back to our community and supporting other organizations that share our commitment to empowering vulnerable individuals. We believe that by working together and pooling our resources, we can make a greater impact and create positive change in the world.

Through our outreach programs, we aim to support local orphanages and NGOs in their efforts to improve the lives of women and children in need. We donate resources such as clothing, food, and school supplies, as well as provide financial support to help them carry out their vital work. We also collaborate with other organizations on initiatives and events that promote awareness, education, and advocacy for women and children’s rights.

Our Mission

Our belief in giving back extends beyond our immediate community. We recognize the interconnectedness of our global community and strive to support organizations that work towards improving the lives of women and children in other countries. We actively seek out partnerships with international NGOs and support their efforts through financial contributions and volunteer work.

At Sought After Women and Children Foundation, we hold a strong belief that giving back is an integral part of building a better world for everyone. Our commitment to supporting and collaborating with other organizations is driven by our belief that together, we can harness our collective strengths and resources to create a positive impact in the lives of vulnerable individuals, both in our local community and around the world.”

Carol Oyaide – Founder Sought After Women and Children Foundation

We firmly believe that giving back is an essential part of creating a better world for all. By supporting and collaborating with other organizations, we can leverage our collective strengths and resources to make a meaningful impact in the lives of vulnerable individuals, both locally and globally.

Our Work Progress

54 children enrolled in a community school, Jochebed school through collaboration with our partners and the church

Quarterly distribution of food items to the community

Empowered 6 women in our community

Become A Proud Volunteer Now

We implore you to support our project to make a societal change in our nation Nigeria and the world at large.